My Chemical Romance talks about the suicide of a British Emo.
The band from New Jersey, USA; recent statements where he sent his condolences to the late parents of a British Emo girl 13 years old named Hannah Bond from Kent, England, who in September last year (2008) committed suicide hanging himself in his own room, supposedly "to impress others Emo" ...
The tragic event has been associated with his love of emo music, including songs by My Chemical Romance ... And this was the "reason" for his suicide, says part of the British press ...
My Chem also stated that in any way your music leads to suicide or harming themselves.
His remarks came to light just a week before the protest held on Saturday May 31, 2008 in the city of London, in support of the gang, accused of having formed a "Cult of the Suicide" as he called correspondents of the Daily Mail in England.
What MCR said was this:
"We have recently learned of the suicide and tragic loss of Hannah Bond. We'd like to send our condolences to her family during this time of mourning. Our hearts and thoughts are with them.
My Chemical Romance are and always have been vocally anti-violence and anti-suicide. As a band, we have always made it one of our missions through our actions to provide comfort, support, and solace to our fans.
The message and theme of our album 'The Black Parade' is hope and courage. Our lyrics are about finding the strength to keep living through pain and hard times. If you or anyone that you know have feelings of depression or suicide, we urge you to find your way and your voice to deal with these feelings positively."
And my message to all of you are Emos, Punk, metal heads, dark-gothic, reggaeton, or any other type of music, vienee be next ...
Take care and please talk to someone if you feel bad, sad or depressed ... Do not bring the procession inside yourselves and never be carried away by those negative feelings ... Take time they use to think sad thoughts to notice the good qualities they possess. Realize that each of you are special and unique beings! Seek a genuine and positive way to channel their emotions ... There are so many things, like drawing, painting, writing poems, songs, stories, tips, playing sports, exercising, singing, dancing ... They could be really good at one of these things ... A myriad of activities in the world to feel better, trust yourself and others! So dare to feel good now ... This will not be easy at first, but the idea is not to do it alone .. They may seek someone else to share this ...!
o_O me haz sorprendido...!! no crei k tu ablarias asi...o pensarias asi...creo k das a conocert d una forma distinta, se t nota en la mirada...algo te todas maneras lo k dijiste es muy cierto y aunque nunca hemos hablado si algun dia no sabes cn kien hablar yo puedo scuxarte, la vdd soi muy buena para eso, me lo han dixo...solo si kieres obviamente :D de algun modo podre ayudarte si sientes pena...cuidate diego y no dejes k alguien pueda lastimarte...kmo tu bn lo dijiste todos somos especiales y unicos no merecemos sufrir x nada ni x nadie...adiooz ^^